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completed projects

As a new firm, most of our projects are currently being designed or under construction. But we can offer you a taste of a couple of our recently completed projects.


Many thanks to our first clients for allowing us to share their new homes. 

alterations and additions project on 1980s Canberra home

We met the needs of a growing young family by reimagining the living spaces, kitchen and entry, and by creating a parents retreat as a second storey on the new garage. Key features include the seamless transition between the existing home and the addition, its street appeal, the creation of informal and formal living and, of course, a quiet, relaxing space for the parents, complete with its own private balcony.  


Bathroom space redesign on 1990s NSW Central Coast home

We cleverly transformed three awkward, separate, small bathroom and toilet spaces into one spacious and elegant bathroom, that makes having a shower a luxurious experience. 

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